Monday, April 30, 2012

A Sense of Nationalism

I know that this post is not necessarily related to my hike, but I was surfing the internet in between studying last night and I found this extremely emotionally invigorating video. It reminded me to not become complacent and ignorant of the struggles our nation is going through right now. It reminded me that, as a gun owner, my CONSTITUTIONAL rights could become infringed upon within the next couple years if the wrong president is elected (or re-elected in this case). I am not saying by any means that the Republican candidate is perfect. In fact I disagree with quite a bit of what he has said recently, but I have realized that if I were to vote Libertarian in the upcoming Presidential election that my vote would do very little in protecting my rights as an American citizen as that vote would not be going towards a candidate that has an actual chance of winning the election. Anyways, enough of my rant. Here's the video.

1 comment:

  1. Son; Adam makes some excellent points here! We need to get back to our Constitutional roots!
